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Policy cookies

Policy Cookies

§ 1

This Policy sets out the principles cookies storage and access to information on the devices you using cookies to achieving the services provided electronically by THE COMPANY Lorento, hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider".

§ 2

1. The Service uses cookies (cookies), or small pieces of information stored on the user's terminal equipment. Cookies can be read by the Provider's computer system.

2. The service provider stores cookies on users' terminal equipment, and then accesses the information contained in them for the following purposes:

* Provide the services offered by the Service Provider.
* Adapt the services offered to the user's preferences,
* General and anonymous collection of static data using analytical tools

§ 3

1. The Service also informs users that there is a possibility of such a configuration, web browser, which prevents the storage of cookies on the user's terminal equipment.

2. The service provider also indicates that the cookies can be removed by the user after they are saved by the Service Provider, through appropriate functions of the browser, programs designed for this purpose or use the appropriate tools available for this purpose as part of the operating system used by the visitor.

3. Under these links are given information about how to remove cookies:

Internet Explorer,

§ 4

The service provider also informs users that changing the configuration of the web browser, which prevents or limits the storage of cookies on the user's terminal equipment may cause functional limitations of the services provided. Similar effects can lead erase cookies during the service.